A class that abstracts a pipe-like ArrayBuffer.


  • Creates a new instance of a pipe


    • Optional buffer: ArrayBuffer

      an optional buffer to start with

    • Optional length: number

      an optional amount of bytes to use for the length.

    Returns utils.candid.PipeArrayBuffer


_view: any

The reading view. It's a sliding window as we read and write, pointing to the buffer.

_buffer: any

The actual buffer containing the bytes.


  • get buffer(): ArrayBuffer
  • Returns ArrayBuffer

  • get byteLength(): number
  • Returns number

  • get end(): boolean
  • Whether or not there is more data to read from the buffer

    Returns boolean


  • Read num number of bytes from the front of the pipe.


    • num: number

      The number of bytes to read.

    Returns ArrayBuffer

  • Returns undefined | number

  • Write a buffer to the end of the pipe.


    Returns void

  • Allocate a fixed amount of memory in the buffer. This does not affect the view.


    • amount: number

      A number of bytes to add to the buffer.

    Returns void