This package provides a visitor pattern implementation for the IC-Reactor framework.
Number Value | Key | Tag |
1 | Visible | [0; 31] + [1] |
2 | Hidden | [0; 30] + [1, 0] |
4 | Enabled | [0; 29] + [1, 0, 0] |
8 | Disabled | [0; 28] + [1, 0, 0, 0] |
Number Value | Key | Tag |
65536 | Optional | [0; 15] + [1] + [0; 15] |
131072 | Checked | [0; 14] + [1] + [0; 16] |
262144 | Dynamic | [0; 13] + [1] + [0; 17] |
The combined possible values can be derived by adding any combination of the above values. Here are some examples:
Single Values:
: Visible2
: Hidden4
: Enabled8
: Disabled65536
: Optional131072
: Checked262144
: DynamicCombined Values:
1 + 65536 = 65537
: Visible + Optional2 + 131072 = 131074
: Hidden + Checked4 + 262144 = 262148
: Enabled + Dynamic8 + 65536 = 65544
: Disabled + Optional1 + 65536 + 131072 = 196609
: Visible + Optional + Checked2 + 65536 + 262144 = 327682
: Hidden + Optional + Dynamic...and so on, including all other possible combinations. Each combination represents a different status with multiple properties and flags applied.
The tags for combined values are the union of the tags for each component. For example:
(Visible + Optional), the combined tags would be:[0; 31] + [1]
(from Visible)[0; 15] + [1] + [0; 15]
(from Optional)This approach ensures that each combined value and its tags are correctly identified. If you need a full list of every possible combination, please let me know!